RockMelt Browser Early Access - Not Broked!

I'd read a bit about RockMelt in the past few weeks and registered with them to get early access. So I was excited to see the RockMelt download invitation pop up in my gmail last night:
You recently requested early access to RockMelt. We just hooked you up!

The download and install were painless. My early impression is that it is exactly what the demo video would have you believe (see below). Since it is based on Chromium, almost everything about it is the same as Google Chrome, except for the RockMelt specific features - the Friend Edge, the "app" Edge, the sharing feature and the search preview functionality. These all work exactly as billed though I have three feature requests:

  1. Show me Facebook notifications on the Friend Edge (if there is a way to do this, I can't find it)
  2. Allow me to import my Google Reader feeds into the App Edge.
  3. Please find a better name before you launch big! Saying "RockMelt" outloud feels I have marbles in my mouth, and people look at me cross-eyed when I mention it.

Anyway, I'll try using this for a while and see how it feels. I'll let you know if I find bugs - none so far!

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